Improve the Care of Your Smile with Composite Dental Fillings
To keep your smile safe, always make sure you’re receiving the proper oral health care treatments and procedures necessary to protect your smile against the risk of tooth decay and cavities. However, if cavities sneak past your oral health care treatments and manage to eat through your tooth enamel, they will need to be eradicated with a highly effective tooth restoration procedure such as a dental filling. Dental fillings can eradicate cavities and protect your teeth from future decay.
When the time comes to have teeth repaired with a tooth restoration, it is important to determine if any dental damage has occurred to your tooth enamel. If a hole in your tooth enamel has formed and a cavity is present, a tooth restoration will be needed. Cavities must be treated as soon as possible to prevent further damage from occurring to a tooth. Ideally, dental fillings should be used to help treat cavities.
One of your best options for a dental filling is with a composite filling, also known as a tooth-colored composite. They’re referred to as tooth-colored composites because they can naturally mimic the color of your teeth. They’re designed to blend in with your smile and give your oral health the aesthetic beauty it deserves. A single dental composite can easily last between 7 to 10 years before it may need to be replaced.
When replacing a composite filling, it can be replaced without removing the original filling. This is different than dental amalgams which require the original filling to be taken out. In addition, amalgams contain mercury whereas composite fillings do not. Furthermore, composite fillings are better sealants of the margins than dental amalgams and will not leak.
Commit to your oral health care with composite dental fillings. Are you ready to upgrade and enhance your smile with composite dental fillings? Tara Hills Dental remains committed to your oral health, and you are welcome to schedule an appointment with us by calling 510-724-7474. Dr. Feriel El Ghaoui and our team can’t wait to see you at our dentist office in Pinole, California.